Our Dare Dorm Discount is Now Ready!
Only $17.95 for a month (56% discounted)
and $9.95 per month for six months (76% discounted)
Dare Dorm wants you to win and they want you to win in a big way. They advertise that they are offering you a big cash prize for any submissions you give them involving coed action. This means you film the sexual parties in your dorms, submit them, then wait to win the cash prize.
For ten thousand dollars, students will definitely do some crazy ish! The clips that these charged up coeds submit are usually twenty minute movies and they showcase the mad sexual nature of the submitters. It’s mad, but it’s also fun and very entertaining to watch. There is a lot of sex happening, and the nudity will just drive fans of coed porno super mad and horny!
There are some a hundred and something movies inside, with some full-length action well over forty minutes long. The videos are supposed to come with image galleries and these galleries are of different sizes. We couldn’t find the ZIP for image downloads.
You will have to settle for streaming only since that’s all they offer. The flv player is super good and super fast. There are some HD resolution movies inside. The updating schedule is every fortnight or so!
The Dare Dorm students are from all over the U.S and they all have that hunger to win the cash prize offered. The guys who created REALITY KING are credited with this one also, so you can expect above standard production quality. The site also looks like it’s the real deal with no underhand stuff happening that would water down the quality of the material inside.
The scenes are fantastic and variety is not bad either. You will see many parties and sex! They are students after all, so craziness is pretty much a guaranteed ingredient in creating the sex tapes! There are nice group fun times, solo scenes, and coed-coed sessions. The students look great while sexing, sucking, stripping, and playing! Now for some techy stuff! The navigation of the site is plain and simple. No loose bells and links that will ruin your time inside here. The speed of the servers makes sure that you have what you need fast.
We would like downloads, but streaming isn’t so bad either so stop complaining! There is information about the scenes, descriptions, and layout of the site is fine. We had no problems with these guys and we doubt you will either.
If you get hot when coeds and porn and sex and parties are the topic of discussion, Dare Dorm is one site that will please you a lot! The movies are fun and hot, the site is easy to handle, they have updates, so yes, we recommend joining this coed amateur reality site!